No One is above Redemption

Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for our salvation when he died at Calvary!

(listen here) Calvary Covers It All – no if’s or butt’s people.

 We may like to be judge and jury when we see or hear about people perpetrating evil in this word. We may choose to label people as hopeless non believers who will not ‘make the grade’ as it were, so no everlasting life for them with God. Many times I have heard it speculated that we are going to be very surprised just who does make it through those pearly gates into the presence of God – everlasting.

When Jesus walked this earth, he met with, dined with, spoke with, associated with, and even shared his final moments on earth with sinners. Name me one flawless perfect human being and I will show you Jesus Christ – none other. And yet we do point the finger, if not physically, we tend to do it mentally.

Mike Adams has a rather good 22 minutes mini-documentary available for viewing right now.  He is – in his own way, attacking Physicist Stephen Hawking.

 In “The God Within,” Adams takes aim at famed physicist Stephen Hawking, author of the book “The Grand Design.” In that book, Hawking claims that human beings are merely “biological machines” with no consciousness, no souls, no spirit, no mind and nothing but a collection of organized chemicals that run physical brains in a deterministic machine-like way. This belief, says filmmaker Mike Adams, also the editor of, is a dangerous pretext for the “scientific” experimentation on human beings because it fails to recognize the value of life, free will or conscious experience.

I have watched the mini documentary (part one) and found it very well done. I have never been a fan of Hawking. Perhaps he is too ‘intellectual’ for my tastes. My heart feels saddened that he denies even the possibility of there being a Creator – let alone the reality of a Saviour God.

Adams tells us:  Behind every madman, there is a distorted philosophy that denies people their humanity, and he calls Stephen Hawkins – Godless, mindless, soulless and hopeless.

Personally, I find Mike Adams naming Stephen Hawkins as ‘hopeless’, very seriously wrong. Nothing and no one is hopeless, as in beyond redemption. Redemption is the gift of God to every one of us – His chosen ones. As it is a gift we must choose to accept it. Currently it would be fairly safe to say that Stephen Hawkins has categorically refused the gift, but who is to say it will always be that way? Who is to say his heart will remain frozen in refusal? Does Mike Adams know something we do not know? Is he playing at being god?

 Sadly Stephen Hawkins has called us ‘biological robots with no consciousness or free will’. He obviously has not met Jesus Christ yet, his personal Saviour. How terribly sad for him. But instead of denouncing him as ‘hopeless and soulless’ perhaps we should set some time aside to pray for the conversion of Mr. Hawkins.

This conversion will only take place, if Jesus calls him to Himself, and if Mr. Hawkins responds. Mr Hawkins needs to responds by accepting Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, acknowledging his own sinfulness and seeking salvation. It is there for the offering – for each and every one of us. No one is above redemption.

Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood. (Revelation 5:9)

The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. –Mark 10:45

When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
–Galatians 4:4, 5

In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. –Ephesians 1:7

“When a man undergoes treatment from a doctor, he does not need to know the way in which the drug works on his body in order to be cured. There is a sense in which Christianity is like that. At the heart of Christianity there is a mystery, but it is not the mystery of intellectual appreciation; it, the mystery of redemption.”  William Barclay

Pray folks, it is a powerful weapon…… and Mike (Adams), be very careful who you commit to damnation. Our God wants no one left behind He loves us all.


About JustMEinT Musings

I like writing, reading and expressing my opinions. I prefer natural health and healing to pharmaceutical drugs. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour.
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